Why Should I Choose Pre-Law?

If you're interested in pursuing a law degree, this program will enhance your chance of getting accepted into the graduate school of your choice. You'll learn broadly about American Law while developing the strong reading, writing, and critical thinking skills necessary to pursue the legal field. You can also take advantage of Elmira College's acceptance program with Keiser University's online Master of Arts in Criminal Justice or online Homeland Security programs. 

What Will I Learn Through Pre-Law?

The Pre-Law concentration provides a foundation of knowledge, starting with ethics and a survey of American Law and moving up into learning about constitutional law and laws about children and their families.

What Can I Do With A Concentration in Pre-Law?

This concentration pairs well with other programs, such as Economics, English Literature, History, Legal Studies, and Political Science, which focus on developing strong reading and writing skills. Students who go on to get a law degree can pursue a variety of roles including: 

  • Lawyer (Corporate, Government, Public Defender, Prosecuting Attorney)
  • Judge
  • Compliance Officer
  • Risk Management
  • Politician
  • Mediator

Not certain you want to concentrate on Pre-Law through the Criminal Justice major? You can pursue Pre-Law through many majors, especially those that stress reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. 

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